Dear S,
I can smell cum,
When I see your photograph,
Is it love?
I hated this smell,
Didn’t want to come around,
After that,
You body never tasted sweaty,
You were like a bundle of bones and,
Skin of goat.
Soft but just skin!
We never loved,
Why do you inform about,
Your engagement?
You were engaged too,
When pillow was placed under your butt,
You placed it your self.
And then your hard moans!
That time you were engaged too.
He called up,when we were in middle,
You didn’t pick up,
Kissed me in return.
You remember eating me, those love bites,
you always said,you are engaged!!
When you came everytime,
You missed that guy,
I think!!
But you kissed me!!
Now you will be just his,
Is this what you are trying to tell me?
Hey But,Answer,
Why I smell cum,
When I see your photograph..
Is it love?...:)
Wish you a happy married life!!